Heute waren wir aus in Frankfurt. Rockmusik in der Klassikvariante, tausende (LED)-Kerzen in dem Freimaurer-Saal im Frankfurter Bahnhofsviertel.
Tolle Musik, aufregende Atmosphäre, aber gefühlt viel zu kurz…
- Nothing Else Matters, Metallica
- Black in Black, ACDC
- Come as you are, Kurt Cobain
- Everlong, Foo Fighters
- Kashmir, Led Zeppelin
- Under the Bridge, Red Hot Chilli Peppers
- Paint it Black, Rolling Stones
- Smoke on the Water, Deep Purple
- Space Oddity, David Bowie
- Thunderstruck, ACDC
- Wish you were here, Pink Floyd
- With or without you, U2